GeeMoon Usage Tips
You can find this page in “GeeMoon“ -> “More” -> “Tips”.
If you have any questions, suggestions or bugs, you can sending email to me in “GeeMoon“ -> “More” -> “Contact Me”. Or sending email directly to
Or you can @ me on Weibo @我的眼里只有代码 or Twitter @meilbn.
0x00 Tips Index
0x01 Overview
- Total Balance can tap twice to hide or show.
- Tapping Account list to open all account list page.
- Shake device in Overview page will open create Transaction page (configurable in future).
0x02 Calculator
- Tapping “Equal mark (=)” to calculating result or back to transaction editing page.
0x03 Create or Edit Transaction
- Long press money view on top of page will reset money to 0.
- Select category again can deselect.
- Long press date will reset to current date.
- Long press time will reset to current time.
- Shake device in Transactions page will open create Transaction page (configurable in future).
0x04 Others
- Calendar, Transactions and Budget Transactions list support 3D Touch to preview.
- Support 3D Touch shortcut item, adding transaction quickly.